Gene Keys Quest Book Coming Soon

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In May, after many many months of being deeply immersed in writing, I am pleased to say I completed my distilled versions for all 64 Gene Keys to feature in bespoke fashion for the Gene Keys Quest Book I will be offering to create for people after the review process is complete. So now all the writing and artwork is finally done :-) .

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Although on a certain level I currently feel physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted, typical of an driven and inspired manifestor, I also feel spiritual…

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The Architecture of Reality - Unified Harmonic Matrix


In order to fully embrace your Life Vision Quest, exploring the Nature of Reality can be a very valuable endeavour.

Is there a structure or geometry to the field of space-time that we live within? 

Is this field what the ancients use to describe as the Aether; the fluidic crystalline matrices that acts as the architectural backbone for the manifestation of all form and information transfer within the universe? 

Most scientists studying Unified Physics would certainly say yes. 

One model I fi…

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The Gene Keys as Opportunities for Spiritual Growth

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A key concept I have found very insightful to understand about the Gene Keys found along your hologenetic profile, is that they are not who you are; they highlight opportunities for your evolutionary growth in consciousness. So, in this way, the Gifts themselves are not given to you on a plate, even though you may have a greater potential to express them through certain keys. The Gifts are released after transforming the Shadow states.

The Gene Keys represent a fusion of Eastern and Western wis…

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Shadow Alchemy and the Gift Transformation

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The Gene Keys are a synthesis of transformational wisdom that invite you on a journey of self discovery to a deeper understanding of yourself and your higher purpose in life. 

As an evolving living wisdom, the Gene Keys includes many streams of spiritual traditions and insights from modern science.

Each Gene Key can be expressed through a trinity of frequency bands, moving from a Shadow expression, to a Gift expression and the ultimate core essence, the Siddhi or Divine Gift.


Gene Keys Spectrum of consciousness no p

The Shad…

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The Genius in our DNA - The Sword in the Stone

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I was recently listening to a presentation Richard Rudd, the author of the Gene Keys, gave during a conference where he mentioned one of his favourite childhood myths; that of King Arthur and the Sword in the Stone.

During the 7 years I have been journeying with the Gene Keys, I have explored many of Richard’s presentations and I always seem to hear something fresh and through new ears. The point that sparked my interest this time was the analogy he gave for the Genius in our DNA: the Swo…

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Energetic Flow Through Spontaneous Movement Qi Gong

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I practice a form of Qi Gong called Taijiwuxigong. One of the distinguishing features of this particular system is the manifestation of what’s known as spontaneous movement. This is such a fascinating phenomena that I wanted to share my experience of it with you. I don't claim to be an expert in Qi Gong, so the following is my best translation

Taijiwuxigong was a developed by Dr Shen during the 1900’s

What in the name is Spontaneous Movement?

Firstly, what is Qi Gong?

Qi Gong is an ancient T…

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Life Vision Quest voyage through the Earth Realm Maya

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Deep within you lies a precious vision and a higher purpose waiting to be discovered and brought to life.

Life Vision Quest is transformational way of life, to help you tap into your inner Genius, and to realize your unique contribution to the world. It's about more than just what you do; it's about how you do it and the conscious intention you infuse into every action.

However, you will have to voyage through the Earth Realm Maya to orient yourself in alignment with its higher harmonies. Ever…

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