Gene Keys Quest Book Coming Soon

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In May, after many many months of being deeply immersed in writing, I am pleased to say I completed my distilled versions for all 64 Gene Keys to feature in bespoke fashion for the Gene Keys Quest Book I will be offering to create for people after the review process is complete. So now all the writing and artwork is finally done :-) .

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Although on a certain level I currently feel physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted, typical of an driven and inspired manifestor, I also feel spiritually fulfilled, having created something of real value to share these teachings with the wider world through this project.

A big step forward for my role as Gene Keys Guide. 

As the Gene Keys Transmission is a wild wisdom, it certainly doesn't give its secrets out on a plate.

Through contemplating and exploring the I Ching, Human Design Gates, esoteric astrology, theosophy and the Gene Keys, letting every element resonate within by being, there were many challenges to surmount in the creative writing process as I entered into the diverse terrain of this living wisdom.