A journey to awaken your natural magic



Imagine a world 

where everyone is

living life as a journey

to express their full creative potential, 

while sharing their love & joy with everyone they meet 

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This world is coming

as we each honour life and our unique gifts

Craft Your Life Character

Vitalise Your Body & Mind 

Enrich Your Life Quest


Welcome To

Life Vision Quest

A life enhancing synergy of transformational wisdom and creative tools to turn your everyday world into an inspired adventure led by the heart of your imagination


Welcome To Life Vision Quest

A life enhancing synergy of transformational wisdom and creative tools to turn your everyday world into an inspired adventure led by the heart of your imagination


    “I found Quinn’s Gene Keys workshop enlightening , so insightful for my life path. The Keys really resonated with me. What a great Gene Keys teacher Quinn is ! , extremely knowledgeable , engaging , explaining about the Gene Keys so clearly. I highly recommend attending Quinn’s workshops ! Gene Keys is an absolutely fascinating modality !”


    “"The wisdom of the Gene Keys is much needed at this pivotal time in human history. Quinn is here to help those souls who are ready to embark on this profound journey. Although the Gene Keys provides an amazingly comprehensive system to assist us in exploring our unique gifts and life purpose, it is very helpful to work through the material with a wise and experienced guide. I am grateful to Quinn for stepping forward to serve humanity on this quest."”


    “"Quinn leads me down new paths of discovery with skill, knowledge and patience. Always positive, encouraging and affirming, he is bringing depth, enrichment and, yes, vision to life's journey."”



    “I always feel enlivened and inspired after working with Quinn. It’s as if my cells are getting super charged.”

    Musician and Landscape Designer


    “Quinn is a fantastic teacher. His wealth of knowledge is really obvious, and at the same time, he manages to explain very complex ideas and systems in a methodical and easy-to-understand manner. I felt really well held in the workshop that I attended and would definitely attend more events that he organises.”


Whether we know it or not, everyone has some form of inner vision or ideal gestating within

Life is a journey to reveal and expression this vision in all its myriad ways

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Our vision is like a seed within the cells of our being 

Awakening our potential is a process of purifying all that is incongruent with our authentic nature and remembering all of who we are.


As we become more aligned with our quintessence, the core of our being, the higher aspect of ourselves can anchor more fully into our being and express itself through us.